Group 2022 "*" indicates required fields What kind of group are you?* School Company Club Family Otherwise, namely School name*Company Name*Club name*Family name*Group name*Contact person* First Last Address* Street Address City Zip Code Are billing address and contact address the same?* Yes, they are No, we have a different billing address Billing address* Street Address City Zip Code We can be reached during our stay on Texel on this mobile number*Telephone number of the contact person of your group when you are on TexelEmailaddress* May we also use this e-mail address to send you the invoice?* Yes No, we would like to receive the invoice at a different e-mail address Email address for invoice Now select your bicyclyesNumber of bicycles with gearNumber of electric bicyclesNumber of rear child seatsNumber of forward child seatsNumber of kid bikes for children smaller than 135 cmHow many days do you want to rent the bikes?*Luggage transport*Would you like to use our free luggage transport service? Yes, please! No, thank you. Your accommodation on TexelName and address details of the accommodation where you and your group are staying on Texel.WhenFirst rental day*The start and end dates count as full rental days DD dash MM dash YYYY Last rental day*The start and end dates count as full rental days DD dash MM dash YYYY Arrival*Estimated arrival time first rental day Hours : Minutes Departure*Expected time return last rental day Hours : Minutes CommentsDo you have any further comments?SubmitClick "Submit" after you’ve entered all your requirements. We’ll contact you as soon as possible. Keep an eye on your inbox!Your Privacy* I accept the Privacy statement of Bike Rental Texel. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ